
Antique and vintage prints for sale. We have a large range of antique, vintage and contemporary prints for sale at our online gallery at Antico.Gallery


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    Antique botanical print, hand coloured, printed in 1859. The print shows four flowers, Vanda Tricolor var, Vanda Tricolor formosa, Vanda Insignis Helveola and Militoria spectabilis. Remove
    Fantastic set of 5 Antique prints, copper plate engravings of plans and architectural features in Ireland. Prints are dated from 19791 to 1794, however where actually published in 1797. Remove
    1850 antique print a steel engraving of the Head of the Killeries in Counties Galway & Mayo. Engraved by J T Willmore and is after a drawing by W H Bartlett. Remove
    Etching from 1866 after a drawing by Daniel Maclise RA, titled Anglorvm Basilevs Eadward, Harold departing on a visit to William of Normandy, takes leave of Edward the Confessor. Remove
    Antique print circa 1840, a steel engraving of the Pass of Salruc in County Galway. The print was engraved by E Radcliffe and is after a drawing by P W Fairholt. Remove
    Pass of Salruc Galway circa 1840
    1 X 39.00 = 39.00