1800 to 1899


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    Duke of Burgundy Fritillary 1876 antique print with hand colouring. Remove
    Antique botanical print, Victorian, titled Rosy Abutilion or Indian Mallow ( Lady of the lake) Remove
    Antique map titled Germany Physical Overview on map Deutschland Physikalische Ubersicht. List of mountains in Germany and size on right hand side. Remove
    Venus Fritillary 1876 antique print with hand colouring. Remove
    Venus Fritillary 1876 Antique Print
    1 X 19.95 = 19.95
    1836 antique engraving, tilted La Valliere, after a painting by A Chalon and engraved by Charles Heath Remove
    1836 Antique Print La Valliere
    1 X 14.95 = 14.95
    Swallow Tail 1876 antique print with hand colouring. Remove
    Swallow Tail 1876 Antique Print
    1 X 19.95 = 19.95
    1856 antique print of Chunjuju, Yucatan. After a drawing by Frederick Catherwood and engraved by S H Gimber. Remove