1800 to 1899


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    Jack B Yeats It's Real Heavy. A print after Jack B Yeats from 1911 published by John W Luce in Boston. Remove
    Jack B Yeats It's Real Heavy
    1 X 49.00 = 49.00
    Aquatint from 1817 by the famous Austrian engraver Benedict Piringer, titled, Vue d'un Tombeau, dans le Bois de la Garenne á Clisson Remove
    1817 Aquatint Vue d'un Tombeau
    1 X 25.00 = 25.00
    antique print sackville street dublin Remove
    Antique print an engraving published in 1836 of Burghatseh in the South Tyrol, Italy. Remove
    Burghatseh Tyrol 1836 Antique Print
    1 X 25.00 = 25.00