1800 to 1899

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    Antique hand coloured botanical print after James Sowerby titled BulbousCrowfoot (Ranunculus Bolbosus). Remove
    Bulbous Crowfoot 1902 Botanical Print
    1 X 19.95 = 19.95
    Antique Georgian engraving of Lord Malmsbury. James Harris, GCB (1746 – 1820) was an English diplomat and member of parliament. Remove
    Lord Malmsbury Antique Print Georgian
    1 X 29.00 = 29.00
    Antique colour map of Oceania. The territories are colour coded to the various colonial powers of the time. Smaller map of Fiji on bottom right. Remove
    Antique Map Oceania 1890's
    1 X 39.95 = 39.95
    Antique colour map Map of the World showing the direction of the ocean current and the great river basins. Colour coding shows regions drained by the respective oceans. Remove
    Antique Map Ocean Currents 1890's
    1 X 39.95 = 39.95