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    Pair of antique prints, copper plate engravings of Bourncourt in county Tipperary. The prints where published in 1797. Remove
    Burncourt County Tipperary 1797
    1 X 49.95 = 49.95
    Antique print the Son's Harp, a steel engraving from 1837, mounted. The engraving is after a drawing by Daniel Maclise ARA and was engraved by H Cook. Remove
    Antique print circa 1845, a steel engraving of the Natural Bridges in Kilkee. The print was engraved by J C Bentley and is after a drawing by W H Bartlett. Remove
    Natural Bridges Kilkee circa 1845
    1 X 39.00 = 39.00
    1792 Antique Print of Simmonscourt Tower ( Simons Court on print). Remove