
Antique and vintage prints for sale. We have a large range of antique, vintage and contemporary prints for sale at our online gallery at Antico.Gallery


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    Antique print from 1878 titled Dutch Boats in a Gale. After the painting by JMW Turner and engraved by J C Armytage. Remove
    Dutch Boats in a Gale JMW Turner
    1 X 39.00 = 39.00
    1841 Antique Steel engraving of the Turk Cascade in Kerry. The print was engraved by J Cousen and is after a drawing by William Bartlett. Remove
    Turk Cascade Kerry 1841 Antique Print
    1 X 25.00 = 25.00
    Antique line engravings after John Flaxman, titled, Iris advises Priam To Obtain the body of Hector Remove
    Flaxman 1805 Iris advises Priam
    1 X 69.95 = 69.95
    Antique print, hand coloured engraving from 1838. It is titled, Black Fantail. Remove
    Black Fantail Jardine 1838
    1 X 25.00 = 25.00
    Antique prints, a set of 3, from the 1840's of County Clare, Kilkee, Natural Bridges Kilkee and the Cove of Malbay. Remove
    Antique print, hand coloured from 1833 after William Jardine. It is titled, Pithecus Satryus, the Orangutan. Remove
    hand coloured engraving from 1838. It is titled, Rufus Crowned Tody. Remove
    Rufus Crowned Tody Jardine 1838
    1 X 25.00 = 25.00
    Antique hand coloured botanical print after James Sowerby titled Brown Bent Grass. Remove
    Brown Bent Grass 1872
    1 X 19.95 = 19.95
    Antique hand coloured botanical print after James Sowerby titled Dense Flowered Silky Bent Grass. Remove
    Dense Flowered Silky Bent Grass 1872
    1 X 19.95 = 19.95
    antique colour print, a chromolithograph from 1880 of Eaton Hall in Cheshire. Remove
    Eaton Hall Antique Print 1880
    1 X 16.95 = 16.95
    Pair of antique prints, copper plate engravings of Clonshanville Abbey (spelt Conshanvill on prints). The prints where published in 1797. Remove
    Antique print, hand coloured Jardine engraving from 1838. It is titled, Cock Tailed Water Chat. Remove
    Cock Tailed Water Chat Jardine 1838
    1 X 25.00 = 25.00
    Antique print, hand coloured engraving from 1838. It is titled, Cuvier's Thick Bill. Remove
    Cuvier's Thick Bill Jardine 1838
    1 X 25.00 = 25.00