
Antique and vintage prints for sale. We have a large range of antique, vintage and contemporary prints for sale at our online gallery at Antico.Gallery


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    antique colour print, a chromolithograph from 1880 of Glanusk Park in Wales. Remove
    Glanusk Park Antique Print 1880
    1 X 16.95 = 16.95
    Antique print, hand coloured from 1833 after William Jardine. It is titled, Semnopithecus Entellus, Grey Langur. Remove
    Engraving of Edmund Burke. Titled The Right Hon Edmund Burke. Burke was born in Dublin and educated at Trinity College and an MP for the Whig Party. Remove
    Edmund Burke Antique Print 1790
    1 X 49.95 = 49.95
    Antique print, Victorian, from 1878 titled The Sun Rising in a Mist. After the painting by JMW Turner and engraved by J T Willmore. Remove
    Dido and Aeneas JMW Turner
    1 X 39.00 = 39.00
    1841 Antique Steel engraving of Lough Inagh, Connemara, Galway, spelt Ina on the print. Remove
    Lough Inagh Connemara Galway 1841
    1 X 25.00 = 25.00