
Antique and vintage prints for sale. We have a large range of antique, vintage and contemporary prints for sale at our online gallery at Antico.Gallery


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    Vintage botanical print from 1925 by Mary Vaux Walcott titled Hooded Pitcher Plant, stamped with initials and dated bottom left. Remove
    1898 antique prints, 3 woodblock prints, including the Jug, after John Leech, from the original 1860 plates Remove
    Rievaulx Abbey Yorkshire, antique print, an engraving from circa 1880 after the original painting by J M Turner. Remove
    Rievaulx Abbey Yorkshire Antique Print
    1 X 16.95 = 16.95
    This print is plate 10 and has the coat of arms for Tracey (108), Kearin (328), Kearns (328), Kenny (350), Madagan (108) Madden (108), Fitzpatrick (47), Bryan (289), Cairns (328), Mc Carthy (132), Mc Cartney (63), Nagle (85), Nangle (85), Ray (132), Redmond (251), plus other unidentified crests. Some crests are linked to more than one family. Remove
    Irish Family Coat of Arms 1902 Plate 10
    1 X 35.00 = 35.00
    print is plate 6 and has the coat of arms for O'Hea (33), Rice (155), Boyle (42), Conmy (353), Foley (342), French (148), Graham (304), Grant (119), Harris (8), Holmes (23), King 243), plus other unidentified crests. Some crests are linked to more than one family. Remove
    Irish Family Coat of Arms 1902 Plate 6
    1 X 35.00 = 35.00