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    170 year old antique print the colours exceptionally strong, Leone X.Perdona Nela Sala Del Concilio Lateranense Ai Cardinali Garvavole E S.Severino Remove
    Beautiful vintage botanical print after the legendary painter of Roses, P J Redouté, titled, Rosa Centifolia Burgundiaca, Rosier Cent-feuilles de Bordeaux. Remove
    Rosa Centifolia Burgundiaca
    1 X 29.95 = 29.95
    Antique hand coloured botanical print after James Sowerby titled Common Columbine (Aquilegia Vulgaris). Remove
    Common Columbine 1902 Botanical Print
    1 X 19.95 = 19.95
    An 1898 antique hand coloured steel engraving after John Leech titled The Two Strings. Remove
    1898 Antique Print The Two Strings
    1 X 12.00 = 12.00
    Original 1837 antique map of the county of Galway. Remove