1800 to 1899


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    Antique map of County Offaly, Ireland, circa 1880's. The map breaks the county down into it's historical baronies. Remove
    Le Connétable de Clisson Remove
    Antique botanical print, Victorian, titled Calendula Pluvialis. The print a chromolithograph was published by W H & L Collingridge in 1889 Remove
    Hand coloured antique bird print from 1888 titled Garganey. The prints where done by the Reverend F O Morris. Remove
    Garganey 1888 Antique Colour Print
    1 X 16.95 = 16.95
    Antique print, Victorian, from 1878 titled Spithead. After the painting by JMW Turner and engraved by W Millar. Remove
    Spithead Engraving JMW Turner
    1 X 39.00 = 39.00
    1841 Antique Steel engraving of Cove Harbour in County Wexford. The print was engraved by C Cousen and is after a drawing by William Bartlett. Remove
    Cobh harbour 1841 Antique Print
    1 X 25.00 = 25.00
    Antique print, hand coloured from 1833 after William Jardine. It is titled, Macacus Silenus, the Lion-tailed macaque. Remove
    Antique colour map of the Lake States of the USA. Map shows Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois and Indiana. Remove
    Antique Map Lake States USA 1890's
    1 X 39.95 = 39.95
    Antique print of the Custom House, Dublin, now O'Connell Street, a steel engraving from 1837, after a drawing by Thomas Creswick & was engraved by H Griffith. Remove
    Custom House Dublin 1837 Engraving
    1 X 34.99 = 34.99
    Etching from 1866 after a drawing by Daniel Maclise RA, titled Anglorvm Basilevs Eadward, Harold departing on a visit to William of Normandy, takes leave of Edward the Confessor. Remove
    1854 antique print a steel engraving of the Death of the Earl of Desmond in 1583. Remove
    Antique print, chromolithograph from 1896. It is titled, Greenland Falcon. Remove
    Greenland Falcon 1896 Antique Print
    1 X 16.95 = 16.95
    Antique map of the North Pole region, titled on map Karta der Nord Polar Region. Four smaller maps at the corners of Gronland ( by 2 ) , Spizbergen and Nowaja Semlia. Remove
    1887 Antique Map North Pole Region
    1 X 45.00 = 45.00