1800 to 1899


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    1902 Drouets Water Crowfoot Remove
    Antique hand coloured botanical print after James Sowerby titled Common Mouse Tail (Myosurus Minimus) Remove
    Common Mouse Tail 1902 Botanical Print
    1 X 19.95 = 19.95
    1841 Antique print, a steel engraving of Dunkerry Cave in Antrim. Remove
    Dunkerry Cave Antrim 1841 Antique Print
    1 X 25.00 = 25.00
    Antique hand coloured botanical print after James Sowerby titled Creeping Marsh Marygold Remove
    1856 antique print of a building in Tuloom (Tulum). After a drawing by Frederick Catherwood and engraved by Graham. Remove
    Vintage print of an Irish Wolfhound after P Malher, a chromolithograph from 1938. Remove
    Irish Wolfhound 1938 Vintage Print
    1 X 34.95 = 34.95
    Antique Georgian engraving of Frederick Viscount Duncannon. An Anglo Irish peer was was Lord of the Admiralty from in 1782–83. Remove
    Viscount Duncannon 1791 Antique Print
    1 X 29.00 = 29.00