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    Antique Prints Meath 1797 set 1 Remove
    1797 antique print a copperplate engraving of Strancally Castle in County Laois, Ireland Remove
    Strancally Castle 1797 Antique Print
    1 X 25.00 = 25.00
    Etching from 1866 after a drawing by Daniel Maclise RA, titled The eve before the battle Remove
    Hand coloured antique botanical print from 1812 after Sir John Hill. The print features three plants titled Bur Reed, Calamint and Chamomile. Remove
    Bur Reed 1812 Botanical Print
    1 X 29.95 = 29.95
    Vintage art print from 1957 after André Derain, published in France in 1957 for Derriére Le Miror, published by Pierre á Feu in Paris and edited by A Maeght. Remove