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    Antique print, engraving, The Ponte Alto (Simplon). After a drawing by William Bartlett and engraved by H Jordon. Remove
    The Ponte Alto 1835 Antique Print
    1 X 25.00 = 25.00
    Etching from 1866 after a drawing by Daniel Maclise RA, titled The Normans retreating, are stayed and turned by William Remove
    1792 Antique Print Baggotsrath Castle Dublin Remove
    1792 Antique Print of Drumcondra Church in Dublin Remove
    1856 antique print of Xampon, Yucatan. After a drawing by Frederick Catherwood and engraved by Johnson. Remove
    Antique print, engraving Tells Chapel and the Meadow of Grutli. After a drawing by William Bartlett and engraved by R Wallis. Remove
    aquatint from 1817 by the famous Austrian engraver Benedict Piringer, titled, Vue de la maison du Jardinier, á l'entree du Bois de la Garenne á Clisson Remove
    Antique print, engraving Bridge and Avalanche Gallery St Bernhardin. After a drawing by William Bartlett and engraved by J Cousen. Remove
    1792 Antique Print of Clondalkin Church & Tower Remove
    1791 Antique Print of Christchurch Cathedral in Dublin. Remove
    Antique print, titled, Courtstown Castle County Kilkenny, published 1832. Engraved by J carter after a drawing by S Austin. Remove
    1856 antique print of Zayi, Yucatan. After a drawing by Frederick Catherwood and engraved by M Osborne Remove
    Zayi 1856 Yucatan Mexico
    1 X 39.00 = 39.00
    1791 Antique Print of Howth Church  in Dublin. Remove
    1791 Antique Print Howth Church Dublin
    1 X 29.95 = 29.95
    1791 Antique Print Timon Castle Dublin Remove
    1791 Antique Print Timon Castle Dublin
    1 X 25.00 = 25.00
    Antique print, engraving, titled the Devils Bridge ( Canton Uri). After a drawing by William Bartlett and engraved by G Richardson. Remove
    Etching from 1866 after a drawing by Daniel Maclise RA, titled Guy of Ponthieu gives further audience to Harold and his companions Remove
    Guy of Ponthieu Daniel Maclise 1866
    1 X 49.00 = 49.00
    1792 Antique Print of St Patricks Cathedral in Dublin. Remove
    Antique print, chromolithograph from 1896 of a Brambling. Remove
    Brambling 1896 Antique Print
    1 X 16.95 = 16.95
    1792 Antique Print Browns Castle Dublin Remove
    1792 Antique Print Browns Castle Dublin
    1 X 25.00 = 25.00
    Etching from 1866 after a drawing by Daniel Maclise RA, titled Harold conqueror at Stamford and wounded, sits at a banquet in York. Remove
    1856 antique print of a figure in Bas-relief on stone of one of the Jazanbs of the Teo Callis at Chichen Itza. After a drawing by Frederick Catherwood and engraved by Halbert. Remove
    1791 pair of  antique prints of Dalkey Castle and Bullock Castle, Dublin. Remove
    Etching published in 1864, by Robert Brandard titled Eynsford Kent Remove
    Korányi Gábor In The Small Hours Original Etching Remove
    1792 Antique Print of St Patricks Cathedral in Dublin. Remove
    1792 Antique Print of Tallaght Church in Dublin Remove
    Harold and the Saxons are confined to the Castle of Beaurain, near Montreuil. Remove