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    1856 antique print of Chunhuhub, Yucatan, spelt Chunhuhu on print. After a drawing by Frederick Catherwood and engraved by Jordan & Halpin. Remove
    Chunhuhub Yucatan Mexico 1856
    1 X 39.00 = 39.00
    Plan of the Battle of the Boyne printed circa 1850. Plan outlines locations such as Irish camp, English camp and Douglas's Detachment. Plan is letter coded with details of what happened listed under the plan. Remove
    Plan Battle of the Boyne
    1 X 89.00 = 89.00
    Large antique map from 1922 of China. Small map top left of the Peking and area surrounding. Remove
    China Antique Map 1922
    1 X 39.95 = 39.95
    Etching from 1866 after a drawing by Daniel Maclise RA, titled Morning of the battle. The Norman Chief Taillefer, leads Duke William's van. Remove