
Antique and vintage prints of Irish interest for sale at


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    This print is plate 10 and has the coat of arms for Tracey (108), Kearin (328), Kearns (328), Kenny (350), Madagan (108) Madden (108), Fitzpatrick (47), Bryan (289), Cairns (328), Mc Carthy (132), Mc Cartney (63), Nagle (85), Nangle (85), Ray (132), Redmond (251), plus other unidentified crests. Some crests are linked to more than one family. Remove
    Irish Family Coat of Arms 1902 Plate 10
    1 X 35.00 = 35.00
    Original 1837 antique map of the county of Meath. Remove
    Lessor Meadow Rue var b 1902 Botanical Print Remove
    An antique print, steel engraving of Lismore Castle in County Waterford, Ireland. The print dates from 1837 and was published by Longman and Co in London. Remove