
Antique and vintage prints of Irish interest for sale at


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    Jack B Yeats The Squireen . An antique print after Jack B Yeats from 1913 published by T & N Foulis, London Remove
    Jack B Yeats The Squireen 1913 Print
    1 X 85.00 = 85.00
    College Street Dublin, 1832 Antique Print.  The print was engraved by B Winkles and is after a drawing by George Pertrie. Remove
    Etching from 1866 after a drawing by Daniel Maclise RA, titled Harold conqueror at Stamford and wounded, sits at a banquet in York. Remove
    1884 Antique Colour Map of The County of Carlow printed by George Philips, with the map constructed by John Bartholomew and edited by P. W. Joyce. Remove