
Antique and vintage prints of Irish interest for sale at


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    Set of 3 antique prints, copper plate engravings of Dunamase Castles in County Laois. The prints where published in 1797. Remove
    Jack B Yeats Country Shop Assistants . An antique print after Jack B Yeats from 1913 published by T & N Foulis, London Remove
    1884 Antique Colour Map of The County of Louth printed by George Philips, with the map constructed by John Bartholomew and edited by P. W. Joyce. Remove
    This print is plate 3 and has the coat of arms for Lonergan (258), O'Donovan (156), O'Sullivan (37), Rooney (182), McGlynn (258), Moroney (182), Mulroney (182), Mulvihill (334), Dennehy (334), Donovan (156), Downey (258), Healy (39), Kerrigan (272), Kirwin (272), Lenihan (62), Lowry (157), Taylor (162) Tuite (142), plus other unidentified crests. Some crests are linked to more than one family. Remove
    Irish Family Coat of Arms 1902 Plate 3
    1 X 35.00 = 35.00