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    Antique map from 1905 of Bosnia, Serbia & Montenegro. There is a map showing Greece on the reverse. Remove
    Antique Map Bosnia Serbia Montenegro
    1 X 39.00 = 39.00
    Antique Botanical print by Anne Pratt titled Common Soapwort. Pratt was one of the best known botanical illustrators of the time. Remove
    Common Soapwort Antique Botanical Print
    1 X 12.95 = 12.95
    Vintage 1935 colour print by G D Armour ( George Denholm Armour 1864 to 1949), the print is titled Plate V- Proverbs Revised Remove
    1797 antique print a copperplate engraving of Strancally Castle in County Laois, Ireland Remove
    Strancally Castle 1797 Antique Print
    1 X 25.00 = 25.00
    Harry Kernoff woodcut Caravan Dublin. Remove
    Harry Kernoff Caravan Dublin
    1 X 90.00 = 90.00